Bellefonte Little League

Evaluation and Skills Camp

Bellefonte Little League Evaluations and Skills Camp.

Located at the High School Auxiliary Gym on February 8 & 15, 2025

Please follow the times for your age and the groups that will be posted shortly. If you can not make it on your secluded time please contact the league ASAP

Show up 10 – 5 minutes early to sign in and warm up before the evaluation. 50% attendance is required for Major League eligibility. Parents are asked to leave the building during evaluations to help with occupancy regulations.

What will my child need for the evaluation? A great attitude, baseball mitt, sneakers (NO SPIKES), a ball hat. We also suggest wearing comfortable athletic clothing. Please bring your own Bats and batting helmets. The league will have bats and helmets for anyone that requires them. Follow the CDC covid polocies If you or your child is sick contact the league ASAP and stay at home.

Any questions please feel free to contact the league.

[email protected]