Reporting Game Results

Coach Pitch, Minor League, and Major League, game results can be given to the league to be posted on our Facebook account.

The WINNING team is responsible to send in the information.
For interleague games, the Bellefonte team should send in the information.

Complete the following form or email the results to [email protected]

Report the following

Game score winning team’s score, loosing team’s score
Note games with run differentials greater than the league’s mercy rule will be posted with in the leagues mercy rule. The Bellefonte current league mercy rule is 12 runs)

Winning team’s Pitchers and Catchers (Kid pitch only)
Loosing team’s Pitchers and Catchers (Kid Pitch only)

Winning team’s top hitters
Loosing team’s top hitter

What qualifies as a top hitter? Double, triple, homerun and multiple base-hits.

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