What can I volunteer for in Bellefonte Little League?
You can volunteer as a manager, coach, team parent, umpire, field maintenance and or league official. You can assist with Opening Day, Fundraisers, TagDay or Picture Day. You can help with registration. If you have medical expertise, you help us update our Safety Plans. If you’re familiar with websites and website management, we can use you. If you have knowledge of Landscaping or have a green thumb we can use you. If you have construction background we have some projects for you! If you have a financial background or good with numbers we could use you on the FOC or Audit committee. You can volunteer for many of our committees, ask a member of the board about any committee openings. Let us know on the Volunteer Form how you think your special skills or talents can help the League. Remember, no volunteer contribution is too small.

Are There Any Volunteer Requirements?
Yes, all volunteers must undergo background checks. See below for forms and links.
For more information please click here for all the background check information and requirements you will need to volunteer.
All little league programs nationwide are required to annually conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with players or teams. Pennsylvania State Legislature passed a series of new state regulations for increased protection of children from potential predators.
The purpose of these background checks is to protect our children by providing as safe an environment as possible. Therefore, failure to complete and submit the volunteer application form by those required to do so will result in that person being barred from participation in Bellefonte Little League.
All information received by the league will be treated as confidential. Should you have questions regarding this requirement, please email [email protected]. Please click here for all the background check information and requirements you will need to volunteer.
Volunteer Forms and Links
All volunteers MUST complete both the Little League and Pennsylvania Requirements.
Submit all forms and certificates to the league and keep a copy for yourself.
Little League Required forms and certificates
Little League Volunteer Application: All volunteers are required to fill out completely and return to the league, a Little League Volunteer Form. This information will be used to run the required Little League background check. Click here to download the Volunteer form
USA Baseball Abuse Awareness Certification: ALL volunteers are now required to complete the USA Baseball Abuse Awareness course. After completion you will get an emailed certificate that must be sent to the League. Click here to being the USA Baseball Abuse Awareness course
Diamond Leadership Training Certification: All Managers and coaches need to complete the Little League’s Diamond Leadership Training and submit your certification to the League. Click here to start your training.
Pennsylvania Volunteer Requirements
Since December 2013, Pennsylvaina requires everyone that volunteers or works with children to complete state reconized background checks. You can find all the infromation about the Keep Kids Safe act by clicking on the following link https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Pages/default.aspx
To fill out and complete the background checks required by state law see the links below. The background checks are good for 5 years. Please maintain a copy for yourself and submit a copy to the league as soon as your recieve the clearances.
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance. Click here for the Pennsylvania Criminal History Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance: Click here for the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Federal Criminal History Clearance: To complete the Federal Background check Use Service code 1KG6ZJ, as a DHS volunteer (this clearance is NOT required if living in PA for 10 continuous years) Federal Criminal History Check and Fingerprints