The links below, are locations to other leagues and their playing fields.
District 5 Southern Tier Leagues
District 5 Northern Tier Leagues
Other Leagues
Nittany Valley Little League
website: www.nittanyvalleylittleleague.org
Clicking on the field will direct you to google maps So you can create custom directions from your location.
Marion Walker Complex
816 Nittany Valley Drive, Bellefonte, PA 16823
Field 1 is closest to the main road
Field 2 is to the right of Field 1
T-Ball field is between restrooms and pavilions
Pleasant Gap Fields (Gettig Fields)
205 Gettig Lane, Pleasant Gap PA 16823
Pleasant Gap Field #1
First field at Pleasant Gap Little League Complex.
Pleasant Gap Field #2
Second field into Pleasant Gap Little League complex pass the concession stand.
Pleasant Gap Field #3
Third field into Pleasant Gap Little League complex pass the concession stand and field 2
Jacksonville (Panik Field) Nittany Valley’s primary softball field
119 Weights Lane, Bellefonte, PA 16823