The links below, are locations to other leagues and their playing fields.
We play in District 5, We are located in the Southern tier of the district.
District 5 Southern Tier Leagues
District 5 Northern Tier Leagues
Other Leagues
State College Little League
website: bluesombrero.com/scllpa
facebook: www.facebook.com/StateCollegeLittleLeague
Clicking on the field will direct you to google maps So you can create custom directions from your location.
Montressor and Gill Fields
Bristol Ave, State College, PA 16801
Montressor Field has lights and is next to Bristol Ave.
Gill Field has no lights.
Sichler Field Boalsburg
220 Villa Crest Dr, State College, PA 16801
Halfmoon Field Stormstown
100 municipal Ln, Port Matilda, PA
Field 1 is the lower field
Field 2 is the upper field.
Lions Field Ferguson Township
424 W. Pine Grove, Rd, Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868